Great game, crappy ending.

User Rating: 8 | The Godfather: Mob Wars PSP
Okay well I dont know about all of you, but I thought this game was great. I got it for 20 bucks (pretty good price) for a trip from Nevada back to Minnesota. Now this game is good, but short. Not the type that would last long, especially for a 30 hour long trip. But its okay because I also got Brave Story New Traveler and Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror as well, but nevermind that. The truth is, the gameplay of the game is awesome. Even though you cant drive cars and there is no free-roam, the punching, shooting, and overall just beating up the baddies make up for that simple fact. The other great thing about the game is the strategy-type Mob Wars that isnt in any other version of The Godfather on any other console or handheld. Mob Wars is a strategic way to take over NYC and take out other families and business'.

All in all, The Godfather: Mob Wars deserves a lot more than what people give it, despite its short ending (once you finish both mission mode and Mob Wars there is one last cut-scene, great graphics by the way, and then the game is over and all you can do is watch unlocked movie clips of the film), and is one of my favorites for the PSP.