It may not be the best looking game, but its fun and addicting.

User Rating: 7 | The Godfather II PS3
First off, the graphics: The graphics are average or maybe even slightly below average. This game looks very "so so" player models look okay, faces could look better, textures and the environments look bland.

Gameplay: This game built up from the Godfather, the fighting system is still there and you can extort buisnesses like in the previous game. The driving isnt very fun and I wish i didnt have to drive so much. The turning is very "jumpy" and when you hit another car its chaos. I mean that the game's car collisions are bad and very inconsistant. If you barely nudge a car it will look as if you hit it at full speed. The gunplay is good in this game. You can take cover and blind fire, as well as use gun executions which look cool and gruesome.

Story: I personally have never seen Godfather II so, I'm not sure if this follows the movie as well as the first game did, but I can imagine it has the main parts and characters.

You play as Dominic and build your own family. You recruit guys with different skills like arsonists, demolition men, medics, technicians and bruisers. Each guy has thier advantage and they help with storming enemy compounds, a technician can cut the power making sure they cant call for backup, bruisers can kick in doors, arsonists start diversion fires, safecrackers crack safes and unlock big doors and the demolition man blows the place up. So each man does a certain job and this is done very well in my opinion. You can also upgrade your family. Give them health upgrades, accuracy, survival, intimidation etc. You can even upgrade thier weapons. This is also available for your own player as well.

The game takes place in New York, Florida, and Cuba. None of these places seem big so if you were to put them together the entire map wouldnt be the size of one island on Grand Theft Auto IV. Each place looks unique from the other, as well as the cars and people.

As you take over a buisness from a rival family you can leave a set amount of gaurds to defend it. This is wise because they will attack again and ty to take back what was thiers. As you take over buisnesses you can control a crime ring that brings your family benifits such as bulletproof vests, armored cars, extended ammo clips, double income or cheaper gaurds. When you take over all of a families buisnesses thier compound will be unlocked and you can go there and take them out for good. You could also take them out one by one as well. You can earn information on "made men" by doing favors for certain people. These favors range from, sabotage - destroying property, beatdowns - beating someone up (but not killing them) burglary ( robbing someones safe) and sometimes even a murder.
Once you finish a favor information will unlock as to how to kill a made man. This must be done correctly or they will only be hospitalized. If the condition is to blow them up, thats what must be done, if they are to be strangled, thats what must be done etc.

You can also bribe officials and cops as well as do favors for the in exchange for a favor of your own such as getting the cops off your back or putting a rival made man in jail. You can also rob banks in this game as well. It is smart to scout the area instead of go all out. This is because good planning can lead to a smooth getaway.

All in all this game is olid for "todays" price. I got this for $15 and I feel it was worth it, however, if I had bought this for $60 new I would have felt very ripped off.