The Godfather II

User Rating: 8 | The Godfather II PS3
There seems to be many poor reviews of the "Godfather II", and I suppose it is understandable given how good "The Godfather" game was (originally on PS2 and later to make it's mark on PS3 as the Don's Edition). The original game followed the film faithfully, but the "Godfather II" for the most part does not touch on much of it's namesake sequel movie's plot lines.

To compare the games though is like comparing "Goodfellas" to "Godfather III" or "Carlito's Way" to "Once Upon A Time in America". Yes they may deal with similar subjects but are styleised to look different and while the character may be similar due to what they are wanting to achieve they have suitable opposite backgrounds to make the overall feel much different.

And that is the problem with this game, you have the classic movie tie-in that was the predecessing game, but you can not compare it's prequel of a second movie and neither can you compare the games as they are radically different in looks although not in wholesale game play.

I like the mix of strategy game (using the Don's View to order you men to take out opponents fronts and rackets, and defending your own from attack), and straight up fighting with guns and fist as you lead your men into battle guns blazing agains the other 4 in game families.

This may not be the best looking game around, it may not be the best shooter or strategy game, but what it does provide is a pretty good mix of both genres's of game, in a game world that takes you back to the 80's.

"Godfather II" may not be for everyone, but I am sure if you give it a chance you will see too, what a hidden gem of a game this is irrespective of scores it has received.