A great game. Exciting, fun, and much more deserving of a higher rating than 4.5 from Gamespot.

User Rating: 9 | The Godfather II X360
I was incredibly skeptical about buying this game at first based on the review here at Gamespot. A friend of mine actually started me looking at it to begin with but I told him that I didn't want to spend money on something that was reviewed so horribly. Upon further investigation, I found many of the user created reviews on here praising the game as being fun even in the face on all of the issues and bugs present in the game. I finally broke down and bought it several days ago and was very pleased with my purchase.

The Gamespot review points out bugs such as your AI teammates not getting in the cars properly, or acting stupid when you give them a command. I find this to be somewhat accurate. The AI does tend to do that at times, although I never once had a big issue with it. This is definitely not the game breaking bug the review made it out to be. I do agree that the game is somewhat short and can be beaten in about 13 hours. I believe my final time was 13 hours and 43 minutes for a 100% completion and all of the achievements.

This game is a must play for anyone who is a fan of the 3rd person style run and gun gameplay. If you enjoy GTA then chances are that you will enjoy playing this as well. The 13 hour play time is certainly worth the $ 17.99 price tag the game is currently going for at Gamestop. If nothing else then at least try this as a rental. We may be in 2011 but this game holds to be an experience that I thoroughly enjoyed and imagine you will as well.