What did I do to deserve this?

User Rating: 3.5 | The Godfather II PS3
I am not going to lie--I, a fan of Godfather Parts I and II, LOVED the first Godfather game. The main character felt well integrated into the story and was there from beginning to end, the voice acters consisted of just about everyone from the original film (with the noticeable lack of Al Pacino) and the graphics and gameplay were actually very well done. While it was critically seen as decent at best, it did well commercially, and was well recieved by fans. It was a loving tribute to the original film and payed respect by not going too far with its m-rating. This game?
Not. Even. Close.
I don't even know where to begin. The graphics are just sub-par, the controls are meh, the writing is bad, and the entire game feels like it was meant to spite the Godfather rather than compliment it, with stupid AI, abysmal glitches, and ridiculous missions like an assassination attempt on Castro that goes so horribly wrong I swear it was played up for laughs. But thats enough of my rant. I may as well get to my rant. God knows I'll have a hernia if I don't.

CONCEPT: Spit in the face of one of the greatest films of all time.

GRAPHICS 4/10: While the graphics themselves are decent, visual glitches abound. Character models switch (at one point I caught a topless hooker driving a police car), boxes float, and the guns of your fallen enemies move on their own.

SOUND 5/10: The voice acting is tolerable (although someone needs to fire Roth and Pacino's impersonators) but everything else is just weak, from the gunfire to the music (or noticeable lack thereof).

PLAYABILITY 5/10: While the gunplay and "Don's View" are both well executed, nothing else is. Especially the cars.

Entertainment 1/10: While the above categories suck, they don't cripple the game. No, that dubious honor goes to the glitches. Not the visual or audio glitches, the gamebreaking glitches. Hit targets disappear completely out of the game, cars explode from one bullet but fifty molotivs do nothing, police officers lose interest after chasing you a block (and speaking of which, each map in the game are only a handful of blocks large, and there are only 3 maps). At one point, a mission required me to enter a safe-house, but the door refused to open. When I restarted the game, the mission wasn't there.

Just steer clear of this damn game.