Godfather 2 was better this time around more polished.But not worth the 60.00 dollar price tag.

User Rating: 7 | The Godfather II X360
Graphics was better and the gane play was more fluid.Was a fun and entertaining game i found myself playing after completing single player. Just driving around picking on the cops and stealing cars is fun. Multiplayer pnline browser not good at all. Veing able to use the whole town and the cars in multiplayer or a co-op mode would have been great.

This game could have had a huge life in multipkayer if they used the single player aspects of the game.Imagine a team slayer or co-op mode in NY, Fla, Cuba. Or a cops VS. team mode and maybe add a FLA everglades road that was round you could race and shoot at each other. Any game thats fun to play to me is a 7.0 minmum , i dont undrstand Gamespot's ratting on this game. Whe they gave Prince of persia a 8.0 ratting. The only thing fun on that game was finnaly getting to the end. Games that you repeat a track or motion over 20 plus levals is just booring.

This game had enough side jobs and major contracts to keep the game livley. I dont think it was worth the 60.00 dollars. It was like a huge expansion pack type like halo ODST. Another story but same game that what this was.