More than just a cheap, GTA clone

User Rating: 7.6 | The Getaway PS2
This game has been out for quite a while, but I'm just now getting around to writing a review. If you haven't tried it yet, the Getaway may be a good game for you to pick up in the bargain bins. Although it has a lot of issues, the game has a solid and engaging story, interesting gameplay mechanics, and some fun levels. First of all, the game looks great for an older PS2 title. Player models and faces are extremely detailed, and many of the areas of London look almost photo-realistic. The visible blood-stains and bruises that appear on your character as he takes damage is also a cool touch. And the game's bare-bones interface is an interesting idea. Basically, in an attempt to make the game look as cinematic as possible, the developers completely removed any on-screen "clutter". So that means no health bars, or ammo indicators, or on-screen map, or anything of the sort. You can tell how healthy your character is by the way he looks and acts. If he's clean and running around without any troubles, he's good. If he's battered, bruised, bloodied, and limping and can't take two steps without gasping for air, you'd better lean him against a wall to help him rest and recover some stamina. How do you know where to go in the game? Well, when your desitination is to your left, then your car's left turn signal will blink. If its to your right, then the right signal will blink. And when you're at your destination, the emergency flashers come on. Interesting idea, but it is kinda hard on the player. A map in the pause menu or in the instruction manual or something would have been helpful, but you won't find one.

The game also has an all-too-sharp difficulty curve, as early levels are extremely easy, then suddenly, they become seemingly impossible over the span of just 2 or 3 levels. You'll spend all your time either driving through London and avoiding cops and gangsters or on-foot trying to kill cops and gangsters in an attempt to save your son from a vile London mobster. Voice-acting is extremely good (although the heavy accents and British slang make much of it hard to understand). The car missions are usually pretty hit-or-miss since the car controls are not quite as tight as I'd like them to be. Traffic is also surprisingly heavy, which is both good (in that it makes chases more intense) and bad (in that it makes weaving in and out of traffic extremely difficult). Combine that with the poor controls and a strict time limit and you will often have a recipee for disaster.

The on-foot missions are usually more enjoyable, since you can take them at your own pace. You will mostly have to take cover behind walls and objects and shoot any guns you happen to pick up on the floor until its out of ammo, then pick up another one. The action button is context-sensitive, so it will either have you take cover by leaning against a wall or crouching behind low crates, barrels or walls or rolling when you are running. The target lock works fairly well most of the time, but it might cause you a couple cheap deaths. The main problem with the on-foot missions is often the "puzzles" that they make you solve. Some missions have you avoiding traps or trying to make your way through an enemy hideout undetected. These parts can be extremely frustrating.

Despite its many flaws though, the Getaway is a pretty solid game and is a welcome relief from GTA. Its story is quite good (for an adult audience), and the gameplay does have some worthwhile segments.