The Getaway had potential to fight against GTA but crashed and burned.

User Rating: 5.5 | The Getaway PS2
The Getaway, had a lot going for it. It had a long time in production, and after playin this game i wondered most of the time; "What the h3ll were these developers doing with all that time?!" It was real disappointing. Lots of real bad and slow gameplay holds back what could be a 9/10 game. It doesnt suk terribly but it is just bad. The one thing that The Getaway, does right is that it has a great script with great dialogue and terrific voice actors. But, sadly thats it..........

+Voice acting is great
+Dialouge is terrfic and well excecuted
+Decent script and storyline

-Horrific driving
-Real bad shooting
-Bad controls
-Healing system is g@y
-Cant skip cutscenes
-Too short
-Story missions are random and scattered and have absolutely NOTHING to do with the main storyline.

? For a game that has a good idea, great voice actors and terrific dialouge, why does it miss the mark completely on other catagories?

Just disappointing dont waste ur cash.