Boasting, how its set in London was just a marketing tool.

User Rating: 7 | The Getaway PS2
I was really hyped up about The Getaway. A Playstation 2 version of London, British Mobs, GTA elements to the game. Sounds fun right? Well how it's executed and when you finish the game is a total let down.

The game is a third person shooter, focused on realism, you run pass a gun, you automatically put it up, once it runs out of ammo, you'll hear a click and throw it away.

You can run around and hi jack vehicles, as the vehicles are models from real life license vehicles. The handling and physics on the vehicles are pretty fun. The vehicle will breakdown and sometimes set the car on fire which can end up killing the character.

Hi-jacking buses and heavy goods lorries takes the camera into interior view, which is a nice detail.

The on foot missions, you end up putting out you're weapon, auto aiming most of the time, killing everyone. You can take people as hostage and knock them out, or arrest them if you're playing the cop. If you're unlucky and get hit, you can run up against the wall and lean against it, healing yourself. London has first aid kits just like the rest of the world. I think leaning and healing yourself is stupid.

The weapons include a 9mm pistol, AK-47's and Sub-machine guns and auto aiming makes things easier. However the gun fights gets boring after a while.

With 24 missions to the game, spilt into two as you player two characters in the game, which drive the story. The first half is an ex-mobster named Mark Hammond, who is the most wanted man in London and is tricked into committing crimes by an rival mobster.

The other half of the game is a member of the police force, who suspects a lot of corrupt and is out there to set things right. The game focus on one story and these two characters side in one story.

Where does London come into this? You just drive around, even thou it does accurate mark out London, exactly how you see it, it has trouble shining out and it becomes boring after a while. The story does hold up, however once the game is finished. It's finished.

The police chases are amazing, you come around spike strips, road boards and police forces who do arrest you. Also other gangs, such as the Triads and Yardies show no mercy and ram and attack you.

The cutscene tell the story really well and the presentation is amazing, however the gameplay doesn't hold up compared to it.

The visuals are good for the time, I really do praise the graphics and it a really well done, however the frame rate of it is slow on the models and do look little weird.

The soundtrack and music does feel the theme as well and feels the whole class action theme to it.

After you complete the game, the only extras you get is the free foaming, which is actually boring. Once you find the sport vehicles, it's no fun and the Tank feels like a model and a piece of junk. It actually feels like it's been poorly executed on the whole.

The sandbox gameplay is small compared to GTA. No stunts, jumping of rams, taxi mode. No thereā€¦ it would have been fun. However I do think people were expecting something like this.

Finally the game has glitches, it feels like virtual London gone wrong. If you see pass this, you would get the experience from the game. Something you get yourself into an unfair death, if you're unlucky as the enemy can appear from no where and attack you, giving yourself no chance to attack back.

The gameplay is good however gets boring after completing the game and sits on your cabinet gathering dust.

I complained enough about the game. If you're curious, rent the game first. As for right now, it's going on Amazon in Britain for 1p (2 cents). The age and supply for the game has grown.