The Getaway had a near unlimited potential, but the lack of good gameplay in this GTA-like game brought the score down.

User Rating: 6.3 | The Getaway PS2
Gameplay: All the time while playing The Getaway, you can't help but feel that something is missing. Compared to the likes of GTA, it feels hard to enjoy played it, and I've not been quite sure why. There is a decent range of cars, not too many but enough, but they don't feel good to drive around in. The game looks quite realistic, but just not quite enough and you end up feeling like your money was wasted, no matter how cool you think it is to drive around London on your PS2. Score: 6

Graphics: There's no doubt that when the game was released back in 2002, the graphics looked absolutely beautiful. However, they still looked worse than that of Vice City from Rockstar Games (in my own opinion), but why? Maybe they were too realistic, or maybe they were just on the wrong level of greatness, and it made the game feel cheapish. Ahh, it's just frustrating trying to get my feelings across. Score: 8

Sound: The sound effects, revving of engines, and music of The Getaway all seemed alright, but there was nothing special. No radio stations like in GTA. Score: 5

Value: The Getaway may seem like quite a good bargain to begin with, but after a while, when you've tried the frustratingly hard missions, and the easy and cheesy ones, you'll feel like something's missing - just like me. Score: 5

Tilt: I wan't to pull this game up to a FAIR score, because it's not mediocre at all - it shows the true potential of games, and what could be achieved on the PS3 with the next instalment of the Getaway. Score: 7