very underrated game. I'm actually playing thru it again. Great story and great voice acting. fun, intense give it a try

User Rating: 9 | The Getaway PS2
At first the movement is awkward but as you get into the story and all that you get to do, you won't mind learning them. As you start to drive around London you begin to feel like you are really there trying to get your son back. It feels like a movie and your the actor. The script and voice acting is great not corny in any way. There are several good missions that take some time to get through ,but that makes it interesting. You look forward to what's coming next. This is the first game I've played that doesn't actually have a map. which in the beginning kinda throws you off but after you learn to read the blinkers your good. The police chases get a little intense. And sometimes you ask yourself am I driving to another planet but all in all everything meshes together well to create a great game.