They have had two years to work on this game and the end product is one of the most fustrating games I have ever played.

User Rating: 5 | The Getaway: Black Monday PS2
BM has some brilliant onfoot locations to shoot/sneak your way through but the control system makes them a nightmare to navigate. Why is it this game fails to implement the use of the right analogue stick to rotate the camera 360 degrees when mere platformers like Jak and Ratchet and clank have been doing it for around 4 years. Also the lack of a jump button is extremely annoying Then there's the auto aim system that goes haywire when there's more than one enemy on screen (at times even one enemy is too much for it). Then there's the jerky frame rate to contend with... did this game get tested? The driving section of the game is marginally better but it's still too fustrating to be described as enjoyable. Cars often swerve into your path with no warning and at top speed you have to break about 100 metres from the car in front. Maybe this is realistic but it sure aint much fun. Another gripe is the fact that having so much of London mapped out why not have missions that require you to visit various locations. Also there doesnt seem to be much to discover in London, which makes free roam extremely tedious. All in all Team Soho had a very good script, superb indoor and out door locations (London for christ sakes!!!) but ultimately couldn't create a technically competent game engine to run the game. This was not really excusable in the 1st game and most certainly is not in a sequel two years in the making.