Breakin' Da Rules is an example of a game based on a TV show done right.

User Rating: 8 | The Fairly OddParents! Breakin' Da Rules GBA
Nickelodeon is currently on a rocky road, though they aren't down yet. They still have shows that are watchable. The Fairly Oddparents is one of those shows. Created by Butch Hartman, who later made another series called "Danny Phantom", The Fairly Oddparents is probably the best show on the network. Nowadays, you can call this comedy gold in the animation industry. Because of the popularity of the show, and because Nickelodeon had a marketing deal with game publisher THQ, known for making hits such as Saints Row and Red Faction, video games based on The Fairly Oddparents were made for the fans and gamers. Breakin' Da Rules is one of those games.

Here's the story. It's Friday the 13th (not to be confused with the slasher movie with Jason Vorhees) and the anti-fairies escape from Fairy World. For those who haven't seen the episode where Timmy tries to enjoy a fun day at the amusement park, Cosmo says "Friday the 13th is their Christmas." That is understandable, since all they do is cause mischief and bad luck. Anyways, Timmy's babysitter Vicky kicked Timmy out of the house just so she can sleep on the couch. But, everything takes a turn for the worse as Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda makes Vicky's dream come true and making Timmy's life a living hell. Because of Timmy being kicked out of his own house, he asks his godparents Cosmo & Wanda to make her disappear from existence. Wanda brings out "Da Rules", a guide for fairy godparents, and says that is against the rules. Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda take the book away from out of nowhere and disappear. Because of this, Jorgen Von Strangle, the toughest fairy in the universe who looks like Arnold Shwartzenegger, demotes Cosmo and Wanda to fairies third class until they get the book back, which means they can only grant wishes if Timmy can collect enough Cosmo coins, and collect crown coins if he gets in trouble. So Timmy and crew go on an adventure to get Da Rules back.

Gameplay goes like this. The GBA version is a platformer similar to Contra, only not as hard as hell, but is difficult. You have a magic cannon at your disposal to shoot things. You can collect power ups along the way. Lets go over them. The Cosmo coins give you abilities to use alternate weapons. For example, substituting Timmy to play as Cosmo or Wanda for a limited amount of time will cost you 10 coins. Some abilities cost more with them, like Cosmo's space laser ability will cost 15 coins. You also have magic grenades that you can shoot from your cannon, but each one will cost 3 coins. As for the crown coins, they are represented as lives. You can collect crown coins along the way, but if you run out, you are taken to the continue screen. The continues are represented by dollar bills. You can also collect these throughout the game. Run out of continues and lose all of your lives, and its game over. The game plays well, though not completely original, but a lot of people will enjoy it. Sure, there are BS moments, but every game will do that to you.

As for the graphics, they aren't too shabby either. They stand out well and represent the cartoon very well. Nothing to say here, because it actually looks like a portable version of the cartoon itself, only interactive.

The sound is what really gets you. Not in a bad way. The music is freakin' catchy and clear! Throughout the game you'll hear trumpet blasts, groovy organs, and the fluent rhythm of the drums. Best part is, it works, because the cartoon had it, and it was great. So, the music is solid.

The game is short and if you're a hardcore platform player, the game would at least take you 45 minutes to an hour, but thankfully, there's a difficulty option, so if you're hardcore, take a shot at the most difficult setting. Beginner players should stick with either the easy or normal setting. Overall, the game is great for kids and adults of all ages. This is an example of a game based on a TV show done right. This is the best one of the Fairly Oddparents video games, but if you like this one, I'd check out the other ones like Enter the Cleft or Shadow Showdown, or the other versions of this game.