Battle your friends in your home or battle people around the world on-line .

User Rating: 7.5 | The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion (Complete Disc) PS3
I got this game on October 30th 2007 . It was kinda hard for me when I played it for the first few times . Then everything has been very easy .
There is so many great things you can do while you battle people on-line . you can send them text messages and voice chat . I usually spend alot of hours while playing with my friends on-line .

The goods :-
Sending text messages . ( Able to disable/enable )
Voice Chat . ( Able to disable/enable )

The Bads :-
Its take more than 30 mins for a one battle . ( Long time )
The connection error will ennoy you everytime its cut . ( you may lose after playing for minutes ! )

Final Score : " 7.5 "