The Eye of Judgement is an awesome gfme for the PS3, its the best game for the system.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion (Complete Disc) PS3
The Eye of Judgement, what else is there to say. Well just in case, The Eye of Judgement (EOJ) is the next big thing to hit the PS3 system. When you buy the starter set you get the Playstation Eye, A Deck of 30 Cards, a Booster pack, and the 9 Fields Playmat. So now you ready to play, the way
it works is there is a 'Cyber Code' at the top of the card that the Eye reads.
After the Eye reads the code the monster or spell card is activated and shown on the screen. Simple right? Well thats not all, you have to take control of 5 out of the 9 total fields to win. To do this you summon creatures to fight and use spells to create all kinds of buffers like,
'Clairs Will Banner' gives the chosen creature +2 attack. If you are accustomed to CCG's you will be able to pick this game up no problem, allot of the mechanics for other CCG's are used in EOJ so it isnt as hard as you may think it is. For all new CCG players there is 3 guidance videos built in that help you set up, and play you game (My advise even experienced CCGers might want to check these videos out they help allot).
Overall this game is really good but not with out its flaws, sometimes the camera freaks out when you try to play a card, but all thats needed is a quick trip to the options menu and reset the camera light settings. The starter set is a bit pricey but it is definitely worth a try for anyone who wants a different type of gaming experience.