awsome, the best card game iv played. Instant Classic

User Rating: 8 | The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion (Complete Disc) PS3
If you dont know eye of judgment is a card game on the ps3. in stead of having all the cards in the game you use real cards. The Playstation eye looks at the cards on the mat and summons them on your tv Gaphicly its amazing the opening scene is beautiful all the battles are cool and the monsters are very invintive

Game play the its a simple game no need to read instructions just play aginst the computer on beginer mode (the ai is good even on the lower levels ) yet it still is deep and gets complex, the objective is to gain most of the squires on the game map. If you just need one more space then it says check like chess. the only way to stop check is to kill an enemy,

Sound are good too the whoke time you hear tecno metal rock whitch i like. when you cast a spell a gaint head pops up and says it in a criptic voice.

Pros: No instructions recruired, Unlimited game depth, great sounds and graphics, online
Cons: The eye dosent always see the cards ( this has cost me a few matches ), no story, you need to redgister your deck to play online and its annoying to do, it comes in one of those adult proof plastic cases, its a card game the short story: its a good deal if you want the ps eye. plenty of fun hear expisely if you have some friends to play with a eye of judgment torniment over the week end would be unbelivibly fun