A neat idea and an interesting twist on a CCG, but the mechanics are questionable.

User Rating: 7 | The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion (Complete Disc) PS3
Eye of Judgment is what some would think of as Yu-gi-oh! come to life. Cards are played on a mat, and they show up on screen through the use of the Eye (camera). Battles between the monsters are also carried out on screen in great graphics. The technology behind the game is quite impressive, though it can get picky about reading the cards, especially if the lighting conditions are too dark or too bright.

Gameplay 7- Playing with friends or online the game can be quite fun. Against the CPU though that's another story, it always seems to somehow get the upper hand, even on the easier difficulties. Other than card battling there really isn't much else to do, it would have been nice to at least have some story behind it.

Graphics 8- The visuals are the strongest point of the game and look really well with the PS3 to back them up.

Sound 7- Nice voice overs and music. The announcer can get a bit annoying after a time.

Fun Factor 7- This is one of those games that starts out really interesting, but it can quickly lose its luster.

Replay Value 6- Like any other collectible card game, its best to have other people to play with. Another awkward point is that in order to use the 2nd set of cards, you have to 1. go purchase them, and 2. purchase a content pack online that enables use of the 2nd set. This seems really dumb since you are paying for the extra cards already. The card game itself can also be played without the Eye and PS3 entirely, like a regular CCG.