Bethesda has a history of delivering great games, and did not fail to deliver with the newest Elder Scrolls installment.

User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim X360
I hadn't played much of the Elder Scrolls series before Skyrim came out. After months of anticipation, I was finally able to play TES IV: Skyrim.

What I can describe is nothing short of amazing. There are a few bugs here and there, sure, but they are barely noticeable. The quests are action-packed and range from simple things like talking to someone, all the way to slaying Alduin. There are plenty of races to choose from, and each of those races have a special power only for them. I've played through the game with 4-5 of those races, and I'll surely get around to the others.
The new dragon enemies are ferocious and terrifying, and the fights are intense. From when you slay your first dragon, all the way to fighting ancient dragons, you'll know what I mean. You have a variety of weapons and spells at your disposal to fight these dragons, so you'll never have the same experience twice.

Overall, Skyrim is an absolute must-buy. Beautifully crafted landscapes and music, along with awesome skills/perks allow for a great experience.
