Terrible pvp - this is purely a pvp review

User Rating: 3 | The Elder Scrolls Online PC

PVE is decent, but if pvp is important to you than this might not be for you. The pvp is unbalanced. Even if you got average build and go up against someone with a better build you are going to see your health dissapear without you being able to do anything. Skills are mostly about being able to build a good build, so grab that spreadsheet of yours!

If you dont like plotting out a build but rather want to try and work it out as you play be ready to die a thousands deaths. Of course when you then manage to make (or copypaste something online) an above average build or better, 95% of the time you are going to meet other players who either beats the shit out of you without you being able to do anything, because they have better build or a build that you happen to be weak against (latter would be fine if not for all the other shit), or you meet players with worse builds whom you then beat the shit out of....Basicly what im saying is eso pvp is for players who want to run around and own 10 others players alone and not for those who want close fights that last longer than 1-30 seconds. If the flow of new players to pvp ever ended, leaving only longtime pvpers, the longtime/mainly pvp focused players would quit because there's no one to win 1vX(players) fights over. Oh, and the 5% where you meet someone with a build about equal to yours, its usally (not always) going to be either a glass cannon player (high damage no defense) where you lose or win before you know whats happening, or a horrible tank (high defense, average damage) that sometimes can go on until someone gets bored (if both are tanks +_+)....The gap between worst and best build is WAAAAAAY too big.