Still one of the deepest and most enthralling games on the 360.

User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
When Oblivion came out all the way back in March 2006 it was probably the first game along with Ghost Recon to show that this whole next-gen malarky actually meant something. Now three years later it has to be asked is Oblivion still a good game and as you can see by my review score the answer is a resounding yes.
With Oblivion and the Elder scrolls in general Bethesda have created what could be considered an artistic and design triumph. The world of Tamriel seems so real, the ancient ruins speak of the ancient history of the place, books build up the history and the lore of the world so that soon you become completely immersed in the triumphs and tribulations of its inhabitants. Every town has an interesting building or quest, every village has a hidden story, nearly every dungeon has a unique treasure. In fact there is such a tangible feeling of place in Oblivion its hard not to believe that Tamriel wasn't always a world that existed on some plane just waiting for Bethesda to put it into game form. Of course thats not to say Oblivion doesn't have its problems, so many of the caves feel very cut and paste which is very unfortuante considering it will cause so many people to give exploring them and they won't find the unique and interesting caves (Think pirate ships and lost cities), as well as that there is still that problem from Morrowind that none of the buildings your in feel like their part of the world because the lighting stays the same and you don't hear weather effects from outside. As well as that conversations often feel stinted and unrealistic after Fallout 3 and your character animations look like pure unadultarated cack, but worst of all is the way levelled weapons and armour works; in the game as you level up you'll go from finding pieces of rusty armour and iron armour in dungeons to finding ebony, dwarven and daedric armour, now anyone can make their peace with that if that armour was only found at the end of the dungeon but by the time your at level 40 you'll find highway men armed with daedric axes and armour which makes no sense considering your told in books and so forth that this type of armour is incredibly rare and it instantly takes away from the game. But do you know what none of these issues hold Oblivion back from the true greatness it deserves and I can honestly say that Oblivion is one of those rare cases where more really is more.