Jackie boy is defiantly cursed.

User Rating: 9.6 | The Darkness X360
Cursed with being so awsome, in a kickarse game. This game is just amazing. First time an element like snake's have been used for a FPV (First Person View) and not to mention they slither across the ground's and up walls! I havn't been playing this game long. But i've tasted offline and online. I will get to online in a sec. But as far as offline awsome. The cutscene's in between the check point's changes everytime, so your not seeing the same thing everytime you exit and re-enter. Can you say sweet!?! I also like the telephones in the subway station's. You can dial random phone numbers and get some pretty funny recording's from people's answering machines.


Well being new, there's ALOT of Lag. So let's hope they patch that soon. Also the online is kinda like Gears of War, COG's & Locust. Well this has Human's & Darklings. You can transform into them at any time during the round and turn back into a human when you up close for a suprise attack. The badarse thing about being a Darkling, you can crawl up wall's and walk upside down!

They got an array of assult rifle's, a shotgun, and handgun's. Rifle's consist of AK47, M4A1 Assault rifle, and this one weapon i havn't gotten the name to. It's almost like an automatic assult nail gun. But maybe not.

Anyway, yes, i love this game! I defiantly reccomend it for people who wan't to play outside the box with some awsome creativeness!

The Darkness will defiantly Brighten your day!