Not bad, indeed fun... Too bad it's too short. I've finished it on Steam in 8 hours or so.

User Rating: 9 | The Darkness II PC

I played the game because I read a review in a magazine and I can say I liked it a lot. There is a fantasy-shooter with some fast paced action. There are two stories, one in the hospital where our character is hospitalised considered nuts and one in the fantastical world. There's romanticism here too, you have to save you're girlfriend's soul. In order to do that you have to that you have to fight enemies along the way. There are few bosses, but they're easy to be beaten. The most attractive part is the fact you posses the so called "darkness" and with it you can dismember enemies, hang them and slice them and all sorts of murderous things. You can throw them here and there and your companion (which you can possess now and then, a goblin or something like that) can help you. The graphics are great, they have something of a cartoon at times. Till the end we don't know everything is in the head of a madman or it's real thing. This ambiguity makes the game interesting.