If you like mysterys and murders you might want to check for something other than the Da Vinci Code.....................

User Rating: 5.5 | The Da Vinci Code PS2
The Da Vinci Code is an all-right game in many ways but to be honest it does a lot of things wrong. The graphics are not the best; I wasn't surprised though for a PS2 game. The gameplay surprisingly is just button-pressing which can be fun if you just played it for like 5-10 but after that it gets downright stupid.
This game fell far from the book and the movie because it skips a lot of the scenes and just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you liked Dan Brown's legendary book "The Da Vinci Code" or the movie you will want to definitely want to avoid this game because it does not make any sense at all except for a few things I will give at that. This game would be a "rental" but not a "buy"...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................