Wow this bubble gum bookhas gone way too far. First the book then the boook with audio then a cheap play and now agame

User Rating: 5.5 | The Da Vinci Code PS2
Millions of people have at least once read the bubble gum book of Christ's sex life.Then millions more went to see the movie.Now I hope that they don't make a video game and make people play it. Oh yeah they already did!! This game is a search and click and bad beat em up.You see you play the game as Robert or Sophie and find clues in a libary and in the proses you fight. But the figting is so strange and I don't mean RE4 controls.You see you must lock on a "opponent" if it is how you like to call it.Then at the bottom of the screen you will see a combo that you have to pull. But this game is like the twilight zone becuase I mean fighting in a library? Then to make it worse the only thing the guy's you are betting up say is "Would you like it super sized" Witch makes for a un-super sized 5.6 out of 10.