You can't expect much from a $20 game.

User Rating: 6.8 | The Da Vinci Code PS2
The background design and detail were very good so that part of the game was very satisfying. The voice acting was good (I forgot to look at credits to see if Tom Hanks did the voice - it sounded like him) but what they were saying was funny. For example, when Richard Langdon found something he said, 'This will come in useful' instead of 'This will come in handy'. Plus they talked when they were fighting and their actions sometimes did not match their words. But it's OK. I think it gives 'gaming' it's own personality, like the voice acting in anime cartoons. There were medical bandages and other hidden things to find and finding them unlocked puzzles and concept art. The puzzles were fun and the storyline was interesting. I had to overlook the stiffness and limited movement of the characters, but, like I said, it's a $20 game. There were guards and police to fight and I had to push buttons (circle, triangle, x) as signaled by the game. If I pushed the buttons correctly, my character won the fight, otherwise, my character got knocked out and the game was over. And, once the fight started, there was no way to replenish health. Thankfully, a 'stealth' attack knocked out the enemy with one punch (on the 'normal' fighting level anyway). Then I had to 'hide' the knocked out enemy or a colleague could revive him and, if I didn't have enough health for another attack, I was in trouble. The stiffness of the characters became annoying when I had to hide an enemy. The 'save' feature didn't work right. I could go into options and save at any time but it just didn't work. I would be taken back to the last checkpoint or back to the beginning of the level. This was very annoying because I don't like do-overs and I especially don't like to repeat fighting. There was a lot of dialog but I could skip it - I appreciated that. One bad thing on the second-to-last level when the bad guy is revealed. I had to decrypt the final codex and the word I needed was spoken on a previous level. But, because I couldn't find the word in any of the clues or other information available, I had to replay the level to get the word (annoying). Plus, once the bad guy started talking, I couldn't stop him and he had a lot to say. So, I was stuck there listening him several times (yawn) before I figured out what I was supposed to do and where the word was that I needed. Finally, the length of the game was good and the puzzles that I unlocked made the game last a little longer - nice.