The game of the best seller of all times!

User Rating: 8.5 | The Da Vinci Code PS2
The Da Vinci code is a puzzle solving game with a lot of cool additions. Some of its puzzles are directly from the book and others are from the movie, but there are also some interesting new ones.

During the game, you get the chance to play as Robert Langdon and Sophie Nevau. There is a lot of item collecting in this game, and each item you collect is organized into your inventory. Each item can be examined, and some of them can even be mixed with other related items(you will see this at the first stage). If you complete the game some bonus missions are revealed, which adds a little replay value to the game.

The graphics are good but not perfect, because some of the environments look bland at times. Now about the sound, it is great because it draws players into the game. Although some of the puzzles are a bit challenging at times, you can learn the basic controls in about 30 minutes. Its difficulty is just right, but if you are not a fan of this genre, it might seem little hard at some points.

Overall, the Da Vinci Code is a ood puzzle solving game, and it would appeal to fans of the Da Vinci Code movie. People who like to unravel mysteries will enjoy some fun moments in this game. If you like puzzle games, then this is a game that you wont want to miss out on!