One of the best movie games to date!

User Rating: 9.8 | The Da Vinci Code PS2
This game threw me for a loop. I expected it to be another crappy movie tie-in, but it's surprisingly fun. The graphics are sharp and crisp, and the voices are realistic. The contronls are very intuitive, making the experience that much more enjoyable. The best part of the game has to be its puzzles and combat. The puzzles are engaging, without being overly difficult, and the combat is just plain fun. Whenever the enemy gets the upper hand, you can quickly turn the tide with a simple DDR-esque minigame. Stealth hits are very satisfying, and are easy to pull off to boot. The only drawback is that there is no co-op to share in the awesome combat and puzzles. The Collective could have really done something cool with that. Overall, a must for adventure and action game fans alike.