What a boring and frustrating game this is what a waste of time.

User Rating: 5.2 | The Da Vinci Code PC
What a boring and frustrating game this is a waste of time and money
($30.00 ) a very uninspiring game.

I did not read the book or seen the movie but I don't think this will change my view about this game I know a good game and I know a bad game I
know what I like in a game and I know what I don't like in a game.

Now what I don't like in this game everything in this game is poorly made
the graphics are not that good and uninspiring a annoying combat system
using the mouse clicking the mouse to attack and defend the fights in this game are not rewarding annoying save system solving puzzles in this game can get very frustrating same of the puzzles are very hard you have
search and find and combine to solve the puzzle the dialogue in this game is boring and uninspiring.

Buying this game was a big mistake.

I am playing this game with a walkthrough to finish it after I finish this game I am useing the cds to put my coffee mug on.

Now what I like about this game I like the music and the cutsens