One Of The Best Adventure Classic Games,Also The Best Graphics Too, Music,Sound With The Great Voice Acting Drink Grog!

User Rating: 9.8 | The Curse of Monkey Island PC
One Of The Best Indeed

Graphics - Best what ive seen, cartoony and unique and humorous too! funny and never boring to look at, best and should been keep as an primary graphics for adventure games

Gameplay - Hidden gags, fun puzzles, humorously items, great point & click, the best to use the SCUMM Bar Engine, LucasArts best adventure games like the others Sound - Awesome! never boring and soothing music, and great voice acting

Must Buy and for both fans and casual gamers!


Drink The Grog, Sail The Ships And Prepare For A Swashbuckling Adventure with the lovable and unforgettable characters

buy the game and you'll never regret it and you'll have a blast from the game both for young and old

never gonna be a disappointment and for good laughs too, one of my favorites indeed, for a 1997 game the graphics and style can beat most of all modern games today! LucasArts please return to make games like these