The Chronicles of Riddick:EFBB is one of the best games ever made.......

User Rating: 10 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Developer's Cut PC

-terrific and kick-ass story with dozens of interesting and believable characters and dialog..

-one of the most atmospheric and immersive video games ever made and the lack of any heads-up display makes it even more immersive and atmospheric...

-breath-taking graphics, animations, character and level design

-some of the best voice-acting, sound effects and soundtrack ever featured in a video game

-satisfying and thrilling experience from start to finish

-playing as riddick is something that every gamer has to experience before he dies.....

-butcher bay is one of the grittiest, darkest and most intimidating places ever featured in a game, it really makes you feel imprisioned in a futuristic high-tech prison...

-perfect combination of shooting, melee combat, platforming, stealth, RPG and adventure elements...

-shooting is well-done and the weapons are both fun to use and sound loud and satisfying...

-the stealth featured in the game is so free-flowing and well-done it puts many stealth specialized games such as splinter cell and metal gear solid series to shame......

-terrific and surprisingly deep hand-to-hand combat

-heavy guard!!!!!!!!

-perfectly and masterfully paced!, the way this game changes style and pace is just mind-blowing!, the transitions from one playing style to the other is extremely free-flowing and smooth. variety is available here in spades!, every time you think you've seen it all the game proves you wrong and throws even more surprises, enemy types and high-quality gameplay at you.....amazing

-a rather open-ended level and game design that gives players enough freedom (as much freedom as you can have in a prison!!) to explore the game world and decide how to approach

-i can go on and on about how cool and good this game really is but i'll just leave it that........


-it ends............

-some graphical glitches here and there......

-one leap of logic that happens during a cutscene at the middle of the game....

-references to the horrible riddick movie are lame and needless........

The chronicles of riddick:EFBB is one of the best games i've ever played!, it's up there with classics such as HL2 and Deus Ex, the game is brimming with quality, the gameplay is great, level design is terrific and the writing is sharp. this game is a must play for everyone who considers himself a true gamer.....