Butcher Bay is a fantastic game; no question.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Developer's Cut PC
Let me start this review by admitting that I'm no fan of stealth games. I lack patience, and many times find myself frustrated moving at a slow pace. Even with that said, I cannot deny the greatness of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay.

The game is just so solid on virtually all fronts. Atmosphere; characters; dialogue; voice acting; weapons; stealth-elements; puzzles. Like the GS reviewer said, Butcher Bay is one of those unique products that doesn't appear all that often. The game just handles so well, and I can't deny how well it just 'works'.

Butcher Bay is just so well put-together. Probably the biggest nitpick is 'polish'. In other words, sometimes the graphics are a tad sloppy (though to be completely honest, it's really not that big of a deal). Besides this, it's just subjectivity-land. For example, I personally disliked how easy it was to die. You really need to be patient sometimes with this game. I know expert/advanced-gamers are going to have a laughing-riot, but I needed to turn the difficulty down to easy. Stealth just isn't my forte I suppose (also, I just frankly sucked). A stealth-fan will devour this heavenly-mana, but stealth-fan I am not. In general, I many times found myself getting lost (I have a rather horrendous sense of direction), and the other times, I was getting murdered by robot-guards because of my lack of an ability to sit still.

So all in all, despite me not enjoying stealth-elements, I cannot deny the objective-greatness of Butcher Bay. So well put together in terms of gameplay/story/atmosphere. Really, this is a terrific game. If I were a fan of stealth, I would've enjoyed it even more.