Highly Recommended

User Rating: 9.5 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Developer's Cut PC
The Chronicles of Riddick, man, what a superbly crafted game! This game is so good it's like crack-cocane for a gamer, seriously. What truly stands out about this game is its mood and atmosphere. At all times when playing you get a foreboding sense of uneasiness, something, anything horrible could happen just around the corner. This deppression-sense is captured so brilliantly with the help from a few key factors.

First and foremost is sound. Vin Diesel does such an exellent job of delivering the dialogue of Riddick. I cannot even begin to tell you how amazing Riddick is captured and brought to life by Vin. Plus, the other supporting cast, which by the way is large, is almost as well portrayed as Riddick. Simply amazing, the aura and atmospheric sound used to heighten tension in key situations is also fantastic. You need to hear this game.

Graphically this game is almost unequalled, honestly, I kid you not! Textures are phenominal, the lighting is crazy good, and the level design is deft. The only reason I knock it in graphics is because of seams popping up in charecter models that can be a little distracting.

As stated previously, the level design is deft, really deft, which in my opinion truly helps the gameplay and keeps you, the gamer, focused on the story and the direction of where you are in relationship to where you want to be. This game isn't really a gunz-a-blazin' shooter, but more of an action/adventure with a first person perspective and I think it works perfectly with the mood and atmosphere.

It's too bad this game is so short lived because it's so damn good. Disappointingly, there isn't a multiplayer to be found. But the actual campaign does offer a designer directors-cut campaign after completion for the first time. Bonuses are also unlockable in form of cigarette packs, so make sure you're lookin' for 'em.

Well, if you consider yourself a fan of good games, really good games, then get this game. Highly recommended.