How I wish I could say this is the best game ever...

User Rating: 9 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay XBOX
This game has me muddled.
How very, very good it is.
But- there is something missing.
Perhaps it's because I haven't quite yet finished it, but I'm just feeling its slightly lacking.
I just don't know... what.

For example, in some places you become stuck as the route to the next section may be hard to find, or you don't know quite what to do. I realise this is necessary to keep things a bit hard, but it is annoying. And, my major gripe is, later in the game you have to fight monsters with a shotgun, in the dark, and it feels exactly the same as when you fight another kind of monsters in sewers earlier on. So I just felt it was a bit repetitive (But still mostly fun) in that respect.

But overall, when you are playing it, these things for the most part dwindle away, and the monster-fighting sections aren't too drawn out. Hand-to-hand combat is genuinely AWESOME. Neckbreaks, stabbing, pushing guards into giant fans, shivving, hacking, slicing, bashing, it's all here. A particularly col move is grabbing a guards gun and turning it on him, blowing his brains out with it (while he's still holding it!). When you are attacking a foe next to a wall, their blood will splatter onto said wall, and drench the floor. Inmates gradually develop black eyes and such as you beat them to a pulp.

And all the elements are seamlessly interwoven.
Stealth, shooting, exploring, doing missions, all rolled into one sweet package.

Call me what you will, but I think that with a slightly more fluid area-to-area flow and a tad more variation, this could possible be a perfect game.

I guess I'll have to wait to finish it to finally reach my conclusion.
But don't get me wrong, Riddick totally owns.
In conclusion: Almost, but just not quite there...

SOUND: 8.5/10
STORY: 8/10