It is really good but it does have its flaws...

User Rating: 8.7 | The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe GC
It is a very good game but it has its flaws...the main thing that just annoyied me was the fact that you had a fixed camera view, wich is really irretating. Another problem was that it makes almost impossible to get all of the extras without having two or more players. On one of the levles in the beginning you have to run between saving the beaver, killing ogers, and killing wolves . . . almost impossible without two or more players. I guess it is good that they are making a good multiplayer but what ever happend to those people that don't have anybody to play with, they are stuck on the same level for ever because they need some to help and no-one can't, so in a way these are problems for those who play alone but it is a great leap for those who play in groups.