The movie will be purely amazing. But the game was very depressing.

User Rating: 3.6 | The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe PC
First of all, I suggest that everyone should see the movie. DECEMBER 9 WOOT!!! But the game just made me depressed, because it was LAME. The graphics...alright...I suppose. The main thing that sucked was that it was hard to see objects that needed to be hit or mainly dwarfs that needed to be killed. The game would have been better if it was in a first person point of view. That way, the detail of the game would truly have been glorious to see. Also, there were many times during the game where I had no idea what to do because I couldn't find what to do. Like do I need to be Lucy for this or Susan? And there were many wasted minutes just looking for some stupid circle indicator for a certain character to find. A first person point of view, I think, would have solved those problems.
Another thing that really bothered me was the camera angle. I could never see a different angle, which sometimes was truely needed. Once again, if the camera angle was movable, the graphics would have been move enjoyable.
The sound was disappointing. I know that WETA workshop worked on the movie (the same people who did LOTR and are doing the HALO movie), but I would think that they could have done a better job. The wolf sounds from the game, are the same sounds a wolf makes from the game Age of Wonders 2: The Wizards Throne, which was an uber game.

The fighting...lame. The game has the same move against a variety of enemies, and calls it "name of the monster" then "bane". Not creative.

There aren't many games that can copy a movie and be as good as the movie. Chronicles of Narnia is no exception. Again I say that I was very disappointed because I was looking forward to this game in June, and to find out now that the game isn't worth it, is very sad to me.