This game was unbelievably pathetic.

User Rating: 3.6 | The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe GC
This game was the wors gaming experience in my life. I had seen the movie and took notice of how much potential it had to become a good game but I soon learned that that wasnt the case.
When i first tried it, i kept in mind that it was targeted for younger audiences (i dont own this piece of crap) and i predicted that so would the difficulty. But it was unbelivably frusterating!!!! First of all, there was a fixed camera angle that would cause it difficult to see your player. Secondly, there was no targerting not even auto targeting (except for shooting arrows) ! So all the player would do is wave his sowrd around and hope to hit an enemy. Secondly the enemys had terrible AI that would ruin the fites anyway. Third of all you have to constantly swich between players (if you werent playing co-op) who would never help you in the fight!. They would jus stand around watching you get stomped on by a large cyclopes. Even if you play co-op you and your poor inocent victem would be constantl yelling at eachother when it shood be the game your yelling at. Besides all its faults it had reasonable graphics and ok sound but you either didnt read this review or u r nuts to go out and spen 60 freeking bucks on this piece of crap.