A awesome way to learn chess back in the day

User Rating: 10 | The Chessmaster SNES
Warning: The opinions expressed in the following review are NOT endorsed by anyone at Gamespot or any professional reviewer. I'm not paid for my reviews and I do them for fun. They may contain: Foul Language, Violence, references to farts, A lot of references to the word "Poo" totally bodily function loss, or possibly the total collapse of civilization as we know. Oh also reading these reviews you may feel the need to toss a Midget or start a Cripple fight. There is a longer list of things that could happen but I don't feel like posting them here. You have been Warned.

Learning Curve: 30 Minutes

Score: 10 out of 10

I will admit that this game helped me learn how to play Chess back in 1995 because I was going to need to learn because my 6th grade teacher used to allow people to play against her during our lunch breaks and she was the master in our eyes everyone who played her lost well, I didn't want to be just another in the long line of losers who faced her. So I learned chess during that summer and later on when 6th grade started I took my time and learned how she plays so the last day before thanksgiving I faced her and..... I won, I couldn't believe it my teacher was also shocked and proud someone finally beat her and to this date no one else has ever beat her, I like to thank this game for teaching me how to play. This game has a lot of interesting options everything from changing the computers AI level to what the game looks like, I prefer the standard normal look. I don't need anything fancy when I play chess. The controls are nice and crisp for what it is. The only issue with the game I have is that sometimes the music gets annoying and also instead of it just being a word that says Check or Checkmate wouldn't it hurt them to have used a voice to say those two words? I mean I know it's a SNES game but I'm sure they could have done it. Over all if your wanting to learn chess and you have a SNES get this game, you'll like it.