If you're a fan of old school adventures like Monkey island, you'll love it. If not, you'll love it anyway.

User Rating: 9 | The Cave X360
Pros: Very fun and great to play with friends. The puzzles make you think, and you wont always figure it out straight away, but they aren't mind numbingly frustrating either.The characters are all very intriguing and I loved the sinister side to them all.

Cons: In single player mode it can be sometimes a bit tedious grouping all of your characters together. It would be good if double fine did an update of the game to where we could re-group the characters with the press of a button (at certain times). Also I found running up and down ladders/ropes a little annoying because they moved up them so slow! It is a little glitchy and at times I got stuck in one place, also the game is a bit jumpy at times.

It seems that I've mentioned a lot of cons, but these can be sorted quite easily with an patch/update. Overall the pros of the game outweigh the cons and it was a delight to enter the world of Ron Gilbert once again!