A horror-themed mix of platforms and puzzles

User Rating: 7.1 | The Castles of Doctor Creep C64
The Castles Of Doctor Creep is a game in which the player has to escape from one of Doctor Creep's twelve castles. To do this, you will need to collect keys, make your way through several rooms and solve some very tricky puzzles in your bid for freedom.

The castles are deviously designed, and the player needs to negotiate their way around ladders, sliding poles, lightning machines, lasers, teleporters, trapdoors and conveyor belts.

Just to make sure that it's not too easy, Doctor Creep has also made sure his castles aren't uninhabited; some of the rooms are also guarded by mummies and Frankenstein's monsters. Fortunately, they can be trapped by the very same things that can kill you - you can shoot them with lasers, fry them under the lightning machines, open trapdoors when they walk over them, or just lure them on to platform from which there is no escape.

The castles themselves vary in difficulty; you should be able to get through the first couple with no problems at all, but by the time you get to the last few castles you'll be tearing your hair out in frustration. Despite that, the game has an addictive quality that makes you try, try and try again.

On the presentation side of things, there's really not much to say. The graphics are poor, even going by the standard at the time. There's not much in the way of sound either, but what is there gets the job done.

This is one game where the gameplay and design are everything. If you want a fun puzzle/platform game, you can do a lot worse than this.