This game is great for gamers who don't want to put too much time in a game.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Bouncer PS2
You can beat the actual game in 1 to 2 hours and it isn't that hard to play or get use to the controls. Their is a leveling system but it isn't that difficult to understand and not to many things to actually level up which is a bit sad coming from Square but can be a good thing for gamers not into the RPG feel. Also their is a nice back story in the loading screens if only they didn't go so fast that you can't read them, but they are different for each character. The bad part to that is that if you want to mix up who you want to play in the different "levels" then you can get confused by the story since they don't back up for you. (which makes it a little better if you want to play the same character the whole way. Since the games not long you can go back with the other 2 and catch them.) They try to get some replay value to this game by getting unlockables characters that you can use in the survival and versus modes, but they aren't worth it. The only replay value is to level up all 3 characters to max or if you just want to play a quick game that you can walk away from easily.

Up side: Easy, pick up between homework, Quick, graphics are good especially considering when it came out. (2001)

Down side: Could be too quick for some players, not a whole lot of replay value, basically not good for most hardcore gamers.

Overall: Decent game with a good although quick storyline that would be a good pickup for gamers without a whole lot of time.