The Bouncer may look like an interesting beat em up RPG with amazing cutscenes, but looks can be deceiving.

User Rating: 4.7 | The Bouncer PS2
The Bouncer may look like an interesting beat em up RPG with amazing cutscenes, but looks can be deceiving.

I bought this game at a bargain bin for £2, although it was great value for money, the game itself lacks plot, gameplay and replay value.

The cutscenes are great for when it was released, however this is the only thing right about the game.

The plot is incredibely 2 Dimensional, you will find yourself unable to relate to, or understand the characters, and whenever you think the story is picking up it will go straight back downhill again.

The fighting feels incredibly slow and non responsive, and you will get tired of the same moves every time you hit the buttons.

After completing the game with each character, I find myself unable to find anything good to say about this game, which is hard, as I am usually overly generous when it comes to reviews.

If you buy this game, you will regret it.