Still beatifull but limited gameplay

User Rating: 5.4 | The Bouncer PS2
I played this game 5 years after its release on the playstation 2. First impression is that the visuals have aged, but they still look remarkable up to todays standards on the PS2. This shows the talent again of Square able to push a console in it's early stages. The game sells itselfs as an interactive movie experience. You can select your character you want to fight as during each "event", which changes the dialogue "slightly". I've played through it twice now and I was skipping the scenes on most occasions. The main focus of the gameplay is fighting!
I love mindless beat 'em ups, so I thought I'd come to love this game too.
Unfortunatly you never get a real feeling of combat as the fights take 2 minutes on avarage, you start fighting and when you get warmed up it stops and plays a long cutscene before you can play another short battle.

An interesting feature is that you gain experience points as you fight, you can buy new moves and build up the stats of your character. This is cool if you will be playing against friends in the multiplayer mode, I don't have any mates who play games so I didn't try my hands on it. But as far as I could see you can play any character you come across in the storymode. It's a real pleasure playing with the hoy Echidna....

Overall this is a below average gaming experience, I mostly bought the game for it's box art and to add it to my collection of Square games. it's a pretty game but it lacks depth in gameplay and story.