The Bouncer is an extremely fun and well-produced game.

User Rating: 8.8 | The Bouncer PS2
Sure, it’s a “beat the crap outta the enemy” game with virtually no exploration whatsoever. Even so, I found this game to be one of my favorites. The plot is the focus in The Bouncer (which is no surprise coming from Squaresoft). The controls are that of a typical fighting game, so it isn’t a cumbersome game. There are times where The Bouncer feels more like a movie than an interactive video game because of the plethora of cut scenes. The fighting system is pretty cool and contains some really fun moves to pull off. The replay value is huge. Not only can you start the game over with the same main character, but you can play as any of the three main characters and learn more about their individual stories. The sound is nothing revolutionary, but it fits the game's style. The voice acting is quite amazing considering the general quality of english voice acting. My only complaints are the fact that it’s a fairly short game (regarding actual gameplay time), and that the camera system can be a bother at times.