What were they thinking?

User Rating: 3.5 | The Bigs 2 PS2
Ok, I'll start out by saying that I have only played this game for about 2 hours, so I don't know everything about it. This is my first experience with the bigs franchise, and probably my last. I started out, as I do with all of my sports games, by creating some players. I played a game against my brother after about three created players and it was reasonably fun. I then took it for a real test drive by myself and that's where things went downhill. First of all, you can't put more than four created players on a single team. That's ironic, because it's as if the game is telling you that wouldn't be realistic to have too many good players on one team. Realism isn't exactly what this game is about. Strike one.

That's OK, I'll still play a season with my beloved Blue Jays. But wait! There is no season mode. Just be a legend mode. No, I don't want to play be a legend mode, but I do anyway because the only other alternative is exhibition. Strike two.

So, I create my player and play a game. The computer jumps 10 feet in the air and robs of a home run. I thought it was kinda cool the first time, but not the second and third times. I lose the game 2-1 (I thought this was supposed to be an over the top game, not a pitchers duel). Alright, this game gets one more chance in the dreaded exhibition mode with my four created players. I'll cut to the chase - I lost 16-8 (medium difficulty) and was robbed of approximately 8 home runs and only hit two homers the entire game. Apparently, you have to use the big slam feature to hit a home run, you can't just do it spontaneously unless your opponent doesn't know how to rob you of a home run. Strike three. This game is out of my PS2.

One thing I did like about this game is that I just rented it. Any real baseball fan would do well to never touch this game