texas poker at the okay corale

User Rating: 6.5 | Texas Hold 'Em X360
this game lives online ,it loves it, it thrives on the fact that there are people all over the world playing poker like it was meant to be played.this is all good but its when you come offline that the cracks start to show,infact the cracks get up and kick you in the face screaming "look at me".

the graphics are what you expect from an XBLA Game, nice 2d pictures sound is just wrong though its like somebody has left a record on loop 24 hrs a day and it get really annoying after a long session. this is not the problem however,the problem with single player is that you can just steamroll the CPU into foling every hand and this just ruins the game.

heres an example .....

you bet £1000 ,computer raises £12000 , at this point you realise your hand is terrible so you bet big "all in" (computer folds). The perfect bluff thinks you ,but you soon realise you can do this 99% of the time and thats just wrong.

i downloaded this game for free, and if i had to pay i would still download this but simply for the multiplayer.