Cheap than a pack of real cards...well if you got this game for free...

User Rating: 6.3 | Texas Hold 'Em X360
I don't really know what to say about this game. It is basicly the same poker that you would play on poker night with the guys, a poker web site or one of the hundreds of Texas Hold 'em games that popped up over night.

So it has the same plain graphics, the same plain sound effects and simple button click controls. So it is your basic poker game. It has 3 single player modes with a online multiplayer. It breaks down to playing quick matches to build up a big enough bank role to enter a tournment.

The price is right for this game however, I got it for free, and hopefully you did too. If you didn't, I would only buy it if you loooooooove poker.

I will play this for some gamerpoints and I love getting free games, but it won't last too long.