I think GS was a little hard on this game. It isn't the best, but casual Poker fans will enjoy this game...

User Rating: 7.2 | Texas Hold 'Em X360
Like I said, I think Gamespot was a little harsh on this game. Very fun, adictive gameplay can satisfy casual Poker players like myself, but it might be a turn-off for more serious card-sharks. The Singleplayer is fun, but the multi-player is where this game's strenght lies. Very well made, and better than several online poker games.

In single-player mode, there are 3 main types of gameplay: Standard, which is a basic game of Texas Hold 'Em; Tournament, where you duke it out in slightly more difficult games of poker; and Scenario, where you try to go through certain cards and hands.

The achievements are mildly easy to get, and shouldn't take too long to get, there are only 12. The game's AI isn't the best, so make sure you get some multiplayer in.

In Conclusion, Texas Hold 'Em is a solid Poker sim that offers fun gameplay for the casual poker fan. Multiplayer is better than single player, and achievements aren't very hard to get. If you are in time for the free download, by all means get this game... but if you are late on the free offer it might not be worth the 800 points unless you are a fan of the genre. Texas Hold 'Em definately achieves what the Xbox live Arcade was originally meant to do: offer 10 to 15 minutes of fun gametime during downloads and between playing sessions.