It's Tetris! It's fun! It's portable! What else can you ask for!?

User Rating: 8.5 | Tetris GB
Who knew falling blocks were so much fun? Well they are, and Tetris proved it and still is after all these years. With countless sequels on every imaginable platform and plenty of fanbase, Tetris always seems to prove that puzzle games rock!

Tetris started out as a popular game from Russia and was soon on every PC computer in America, but what really made Tetris the bomb when it appeared on one of Nintendo's best selling systems: the Game Boy! Tetris on the go?! Heck yeah!!! Tetris on a subway? YES! Tetris at recess? YES! Tetris at your Grandma's!? ......well yes, but you get the point. It may had dull black and white graphics, and simplistic gameplay, but it was still the all popular, and all addicting fun people grew to know from their PC adventure, and that's the reason why it was so great.

Buuuut, if you disliked puzzle games and have a phobia of falling blocks (Tetristrisisphobia) then this game was never mean't for you. BUT, if you had a Game Boy, love puzzle games, and you always wish that you could drag your PC around to play Tetris (you nerd) then this game was heaven sent to you in a small package with Russian letters.

Game Boy Tetris may be outdated with all these new flashy Tetris games, but this was the first Tetris game that sold millions and took us out of our boredom, and with that I salute the Game Boy and this game. And yes, you can play it at your Grandma's. :P