All I can say is only get this if your really desperate for Tetris.

User Rating: 5.8 | Tetris Evolution X360
Overall this is still a decent value, at about $34.99 CDN ($29.99 US). It provides a nice way to play Tetris on Xbox Live, and even supplies you with some fairly enjoyable achievements to go after.

But with that said the game DOES feel a bit broken, some pieces feel like they just don't spin the same as past versions (they shift over a block horizontally when you don't expect them too). It's terribly annoying to bring anything to the very edge of the screen when turning your blocks and your met with the game repeating the terrible (hitting the edge) sound over and over again.

For whatever reason the control just doesn't feel that responsive either, I played a game of this right after playing Tetris DS, and it just felt as if it was lagging.

The music is somewhat sickening after a while (even if it is a remixed original tetrist theme). Mainly I think because the pace of the song keeps changing. When the pace of the song stays the same, you really don't notice the song repeating and it just kind of stays in the background. But with this kind of alternate pacing to it, you get sick of hearing it a lot quicker. It's difficult to explain, but think of it like a tiling texture. (a seamless one is just a whole lot nicer).

My last complaint is the backgrounds, they have video backgrounds which are sickening to look at, and you get dizzy playing. So i switched it to an image background, which change in the blink of an eye (as opposed to a nice fade), which cause an annoying blink half way through your match.

All I can say is only get this if your really desperate for Tetris, this is definitely a worse experience then the Tetris World release on the Xbox.