Cars, more cars, galore.

User Rating: 9 | Test Drive Unlimited X360
This game has an almost unlimited amount of cars. They have almost every single one you can name that have the year 2000 or above. Great landscape of Hawaii. Every part on the island is actually there which takes a lot of time to find. The houses are beautiful and they are fun to buy. There are gigantic houses to little condos. Excellent detail on the houses and cars and island. Messin with what your character is wearing can suggest if he or she is rich, a pretty boy, or an old lady. I personally suggest the rich look. You can become a millionaire and get all the cars and all of the houses there are to offer. If you have Xbox Live you can buy clubs so that you can chat with people. Awesome muti- player action and the achievements are cool. Cop chases shouldn't be in this game bcuz they are LAME.